Monday, May 01, 2006

In The Mail

I am sorry that I couldn't hold back my laughter. Really!! I received, this morning, a packet from a person (name withheld) a book refuting "baptism for the forgiveness of sins". When I saw the title of the book, I knew immediately that they have an endless issue with what the churches of Christ (and other churches that strongly believe baptism is essential for the forgiveness of sins) believe in how a person can be saved. This isn't the only book that's an "anti-baptism-for-the-forgiveness-of-sins" book. There are hundreds of them on the market. There are also hundreds of books supporting the views of baptism that is for the forgiveness of sins.

After reading this book, I wasn't impress with the author's argument against baptism. He didn't convince me at all because I only listen to what God says in the Bible, not man. I have heard the same argument before. Nothing is ever new about their refutation against baptism (that is for the forgiveness of sins). Even though, there are great books explaining in a "human viewpoint" why baptism is essential (for the forgiveness of sins), I still use the Bible as the ONLY AUTHORITATIVE SOURCE to explain its validity!!

"For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths." 2 Timothy 4:3-4 (niv)

How true this is today that we have men and women in the world that brings in their argument in a "human viewpoint". Though, they will refer their point from a book written by an human author, I give my point that is inspired by God! We read the same Word of God but they don't see it the way we do because the Word has been "watered down", before the eyes of their heart, by the traditions and views of man! How dangerous can this be!! If you're watching televangelist on tv, they may say things that you might want to see (hear). It may sound too good to be true but it's nothing but deceptive and hollow.

"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ." Colossians 2:8 (niv)

Like, in the past, the Pharisees challenged the very words of Jesus, we have men and women in the world today challenging the very Word of God! Pharisees holds on to traditions and the principles of men.

If they truly believe baptism isn't essential for the forgiveness of sins, so be it! I know they do their very best to help us open our eyes but they may not realize that our eyes are already opened and they are blind to the real truth.

I hope, next time, this person that sent me this book will not only use any man-made books to prove his point but the Word of God!! If you read it from the Word of God, as is, it's clear enough to believe what God has commanded in the Bible is, as is!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Allow me to comment something about the churches of Christ and baptism. Let's take Max Lucado for example where he is leaning toward a more baptist view rather than the Bible. Now, why would he do that? Another move Max made is removing the 'Christ' out of the 'church of'; Oak Hills Church instead of Oak Hills Church of Christ.. Does he fear stereotyping of other churches of Christ in the world? Is he losing prospective buyers of his books? Does he fear people refrain from reading 'church of Christ' books? What's the real motive behind all this move? Gaining/losing Popularity? Majority of the people believe in 'accepting Christ in your heart, you're saved' line? It's easier said than done. Just say the word, 'Jeeesssuusss' & you're saved! And, by the way, Satan can do that and quake!

There will always be a motive behind the criticism or views. People rather be in a popular church where '[itching ears want to hear.'