Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Your Mole

No, no.. I'm not talking about the "mole" on your body. I'm referring this "mole" as the infidel, Satan, whom may, now, have (or still is) taken (taking) control of your life. I was reading through several of my old sermon notes on the web (www.fxcc.org/deaf/sermons.asp). It's always a great place to be awesomely refreshed with God's Word. It's a tool for your benefit. Every one of us need a daily tune-up!! With the Scriptures, it's able to help us by pinpointing problem areas, namely the mole within us! Here are a couple of points that I presented years ago:

What are some of the “mole” that may appear small, at times almost invisible in your life? Others may see that you could not see. Others may know that you do not know. Here are a couple of “Bible people” who had a mole in their life:

Cain’s mole: envy (Genesis)
Abraham’s mole: fear (Genesis)
Jacob’s mole: deception (Genesis)
Joseph’s brother’s mole: jealousy (Genesis)
David’s mole: lust (2 Samuel)
Jonah’s mole: disobedience (Jonah)
Peter’s mole: favoritism (Galatians)
Judas’ mole: betrayal (The gospels)
Ananias and Sapphira’s mole: lies (Acts)
Simon the Sorcerer’s mole: wealth (Acts)

Some of us are envious of others pertaining life. Things may be so swell with others while we may not be having a great life. Some of us may have fear for a number of reasons. Perhaps, we're afraid our friends or families will reject us because we came to know the Truth (Jesus) and working out the salvation God has for us. Or maybe we fear failure, that we failed God because we stumbled and stop walking with Him. Some of us practice the life of deception, deceiving people for personal gain. Some of us may be jealous when others have that you may not have. Many of us have lust. Lust comes in various forms: lust for drugs, lust for sex, lust for alcohol, lust for money. Alot of us still live a disobedient life. Often, we do not do the Lord's will. We don't respect our leaders when they meant things for the good of Him who called us! Some of us have favoritism. We seek the person or people we want around our lives while others that appears to be the least important are eliminated. Some of us have betrayed those we love. Again, betrayal comes in various forms. Many of us have lied to cover up our faults or living a life of denial. Many of us have our eyes set on wealth. Though money is not evil, the love of money is the root of all evil.

We may become defensive when a "rebuke" touches one of these "hot buttons" (above)! Repentance is necessary! Change the "hot buttons" to "Security Breach Alarm". Once we're humble in heart, whenever the Mole (Satan) infiltrates our heart, here are several thoughts that poses serious threat to our relationship with God:

Gossiping against someone you know. SECURITY BREACH!
Bible Study is NOT important. SECURITY BREACH!
You’re married and you’re lusting for another woman/man. SECURITY BREACH!
You love this sister but the other sister, well… SECURITY BREACH!
You don’t like the church because of this person. SECURITY BREACH!
You start to spend more time with work and family than with God and the church. SECURITY BREACH!
Evil thoughts run through your mind… SECURITY BREACH!
Your spiritual stamina is draining to an all-time low! SECURITY BREACH!
Ignoring the importance of sharing your faith and Jesus with others… SECURITY BREACH!
Talking about your faith but you didn’t do what you say… SECURITY BREACH!
The drive to church is too far so I/we are not going… SECURITY BREACH!
My kids didn’t want to go to church so I decided to stay home… SECURITY BREACH!
Feeding the negatives of the world into your heart… SECURITY BREACH!
A friend is tempting you to go to a bar and drink… SECURITY BREACH!
You’re casually chatting with someone during the Lord’s Supper… SECURITY BREACH!
Someone is trying to help you see yourself but you denied it… SECURITY BREACH!
You’re walking around with doubts in your mind about God… SECURITY BREACH!
Church is for the weak people that need God the most… SECURITY BREACH!
I’ve been a Christian for so many years and I will let others do the work… SECURITY BREACH!
Isn’t God too extreme in this area?... SECURITY BREACH!
I can miss church for a month, two months or so and go to heaven!... SECURITY BREACH!

…..Anything that is the OPPOSITE of God’s will……. SECURITY BREACH!

The mole always has a goal! It is to destroy you and your relationship with God! Here are a couple of things we ought to keep in mind every day to help protect ourselves against the Enemy (Satan):

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” James 1:22 (NIV)

So what do we do to combat against our spiritual MOLE?
Mole? Identify it! It may be hard to find or overlooked!
Object to its desire.
Learn what it can do to you and those you love.

"Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8 (NAS)


Anonymous said...

We need to evaluate ourselves whether we are loyal to God or not.
Are we loyal to each other at church or are we loyal to our church? That will be our personal and private evaluation so we need to talk and pray to God.

I might not be on the same page as you are, but I think once we have loyality for each other, we might not have moles in our lives. If we love God, we would go to church unless it is a wrong church for us.

Thanks for giving it to us an UP,

Anonymous said...

We, all God's people, understand of all our needs as God already knew our plans way way ahead of times. We need to be loyal and show all respects of each others, REGARDLESS how much high/low each of us would do for this Church or other churches, to serve for our Lord. However !!!! That also brings the same true as same "bridge" to be very LOYAL and be very kind/nice (also be very FRIENDLY) to ANYONE who want to come to this Church (even by surprise or accompaid by a friend/other) ... The "visitor" should be very welcome -- not being felt surreal or tinkly etc as come into Church. The leaders, even including this Pastor, need to be very WARM-felt for anyone outside this Church. For the direct prayers, always toward to God, not third-party feed.
Pastor, maybe add one more line:
Respect each other -- Be Shown Very Nice and Friendly to the people as the Outsider of Church (not member or involve of church). IF not that -- it's SECURITY BREACH !!!!!!!!!!!

Praise the Lord !!! Thank-You, C..... (just a nice "outsider")