Friday, November 21, 2008

A Soap Manufacturer

Thanks to Paul Dymoke...

A soap manufacturer who was a non-churchgoer walked down the street with a minister.

'The Gospel you preach hasn't done much good,' he said. 'The world is still filled with wickedness.'

They passed a little girl making mud pies, and very much involved in her work. 'Soap hasn't done much good, would you say?' asked the minister, pointing to the child.

'It's useful only when applied,' said the manufacturer.

'Precisely,' said the minister.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Narrow Way

I love this picture!!! Let's take a moment and read God's Word:

"Go in through the narrow gate.
The gate to destruction is wide,
and the road that leads there is easy to follow.
A lot of people go through that gate.
But the gate to life is very narrow.
The road that leads there is so hard to follow
that only a few people find it
." Matthew 7:13-14

Now.. Take a look at the picture above.. After reading the Scripture above, what do you see.


I'm going to throw something to you.. Here's a thought. Did you know that:

Early Christians were not actually called "CHRISTIANS", but "FOLLOWERS OF THE WAY?"

In other word, accepting Jesus is not a decision, but A JOURNEY.

Again... Look at the picture... What do you see?

We must rediscover our faith as a "way" of life, not simply a system of belief. It's hard to deny that many Christians have lost "the way" of faith in God, simply giving intellectual thoughts to a system of beliefs that they hope will give them to Heaven when they die.

The early Christians were called, "Followers of the Way." Could the same be said of us?

How are you "following" Him?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Heavy Heart....

I've been having an awesomely heavy heart in the last week.. I just got off the phone with a dear deaf Romanian brother in Christ of mine. His name is Gandy Mihai. He lives in Pitesti, Romania along with a couple other Romanian Deaf Christians.. I surely miss being with them. Gandy asked me when I will be back in Romania to teach them the Word of God in Romanian Sign Language. I had hoped to go sometimes very soon to encourage the Romanian Deaf brothers and sisters in Christ. I love their country, too! It is so beautiful! It's almost like Kansas and Colorado where they have the plains full of wheat and mountains full of springs. And their dracula castles, wow!!!!

The next time I go, I want to bring my wife along. In the near future, I'll be bringing along my daughters, first Amanda, then Angela then Alyson. That's the goal!

If you haven't done so, go and experience life in the Third World Countries. It'll change your life, forever... It changed mine and that's why I'm elsewhere serving the Lord!

Oh, You Talkin' To Me???

Yes.. I'm talkin' to you.. :)

I was asked by someone, "When you preach, how do you really know what to say??"

Good question, huh??

I sometimes suggest this, "Before you say anything, stop and think. Think before you speak." I love the book of James. James (through God) as if he is alive, speaks to us today. He talks about life, example, temptation, grace, forgiveness, faith and many more. To stop and think is much more wiser than to be quick to answer. James said, "My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to become angry,.." James 1:19 (niv)

I know a few of whom I walk beside as we walk on our way to Heaven who is such a great and awesome example. They do so well with their faith with God.

So, what is my advice?

I like this advice:

"Stop and T.H.I.N.K.." Ask yourself:

Is this TRUE?

Is this HELPFUL?



Is this KIND?

True? Helpful? Important? Necessary? Kind? There's nothing else that is better to answer this question. We are to THINK before we preach, THINK before we say anything, or THINK before we make decisions that may appear to be rash.

I need this advice, maybe we should stop and THINK before we express in signs (ASL) or open our mouths at all. ;)

Proverbs 15:28: "Good people think before they answer, but the wicked speak evil without ever thinking."

Saturday, November 08, 2008


"Consider what God has done: Who can straighten what he has made crooked?" Ecclessiastes 7:13 (niv)

We must have an eye to God and to His hand in everything that befalls us. Ecclessiastes reminds us about life on earth and life before God. We ask God to silence our complaints concerning any events. Let u consider the hand of God in them and not open our mouths and hands against that which is His doing. Whatever befalls us is a product of His eternal counsel and guidance.

In the picture, you'll notice many wirings, cords, plugs, cables, etc. This is exactly how we're feeling right now. We know God has His reason for us being in this state. Despite of all this messy wirings, we're still faithful to the Lord. Despite the disorganization, we cannot mend it overnight but we'll make the best of it as time goes.

Pray for us as we continue to pray for you all!


Monday, November 03, 2008

Walking with the Family of God

We welcomed and prayed for two new additions to the family of God @ Overland Park Church of Christ. Aletha (Joann) Hampton and Charlotte (Peachie) Strunk stood before the deaf congregants announcing their commitment to serve our Lord Jesus Christ!

Both, Joann and Charlotte were baptized in the past. They have been searching highs and lows looking for a deaf church family to continue doing the Lord's will. We're extremely thrilled that they're committed with us! May the Lord bless them, keep them, protect them and inspire them into new heights for the glory of God!

Charlotte Shrunk

Aletha Hampton

Saturday, November 01, 2008


Amen!!! Love this ASL song about Jesus riding motorcycle!!!! :)