Friday, November 14, 2008

Oh, You Talkin' To Me???

Yes.. I'm talkin' to you.. :)

I was asked by someone, "When you preach, how do you really know what to say??"

Good question, huh??

I sometimes suggest this, "Before you say anything, stop and think. Think before you speak." I love the book of James. James (through God) as if he is alive, speaks to us today. He talks about life, example, temptation, grace, forgiveness, faith and many more. To stop and think is much more wiser than to be quick to answer. James said, "My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to become angry,.." James 1:19 (niv)

I know a few of whom I walk beside as we walk on our way to Heaven who is such a great and awesome example. They do so well with their faith with God.

So, what is my advice?

I like this advice:

"Stop and T.H.I.N.K.." Ask yourself:

Is this TRUE?

Is this HELPFUL?



Is this KIND?

True? Helpful? Important? Necessary? Kind? There's nothing else that is better to answer this question. We are to THINK before we preach, THINK before we say anything, or THINK before we make decisions that may appear to be rash.

I need this advice, maybe we should stop and THINK before we express in signs (ASL) or open our mouths at all. ;)

Proverbs 15:28: "Good people think before they answer, but the wicked speak evil without ever thinking."

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