Thursday, March 09, 2006

Servant Heart Workout

Spring is almost here!! Time to shred unwanted laziness and sins and begin sweating for God!! This Sunday, we're going to give the "Servant Heart" a workout. Some of us are so neglectful in keeping fit and wouldn't be surprised to know that some of us are spiritually unfit!

Whether it is a one-arm pushup or doing the lat-pull, it will take time to get use to what many of us are doing - consistently serving God and His people..

So pick up a dumbbell (bible) and be ready to sweat this Sunday!


Anonymous said...

Good lesson, today, Mark!! Though, not a whole bunch came - probably due to Spring Break for college students, those who simply didn't come because they had other plans or didn't feel like it missed this lesson.

For one, it's humbling to be together on Sundays. And we see two things: those who come gave - Our God The Glory, and two, they show the Heart Of A Servant..

Mark.. Do not be weary if others do not come to worship. Feed those who hunger for God; do not force-feed those who aren't. Focus on the new seekers; not those who may be "lukewarm". I may be blunt but it is true!

Mark Lowenstein said...


Normally, I don't respond to anonymous responders. I appreciate your compliment but the compliment is due to the Lord. :)

Yesterday, we had a nice, small crowd. Probably nice since we're able to meet and greet everyone.

I agree.. To some people, I have constantly encouraged them to be faithful to God whereas people prefer to remain faithful from home, from where they stand, not along with other brothers and sisters in the church, together! Perhaps, they have an issue with a brother or sister, or they have personal problems, or they don't truly understand the importance of worship and fellowship. I have asked God, over and over, and now feel, like you said, that we focus on those who hunger and thirsty for God...

And they will be filled while others starve to spiritual death!

I will be posting a blog about "First Love" which alot of us have forsaken!