Thursday, March 09, 2006

In Common

Here's an interesting "tract" from Jack Chick ( Though, a great tool, a word of warning that Chick doesn't emphasize "baptism" for the forgiveness of sins. When you see all the different arguments (opinions/views), this is all about "religious wars", not about "relationships". I learned from one of our commentors, Laura80 ( that:

"Religion gets people in the church, their minds, on arguments... Relationship with God gives us power over satan's game plans."

If you look up, "religion" in the dictionary, you'll see a couple of different definitions of "religion". However, here's one that I found to be something we all ought to follow:

"A set of beliefs, values, and practices based on the teachings of a spiritual leader."
  • Where do we get a set of beliefs, values and practices (examples)? The Bible...
  • Who is our Spiritual Leader? God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit...
So where do you lie your "zeal" on?

"For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge." Romans 10:2 (niv)

You may be blinded by your own zeal for something that appears to be religious. Like the Jews, they were blinded by their own zeal for the Law; for Abraham. Though, Jesus came to them a number of times, the Jews wouldn't let go what they have been zealous for: knowledge. They have simply shut their eyes against the clear light. They have not submitted to the "TRUE FAITH" (Romans 10:17). They have been ignorant of God's righteousness by binding themselves on "empty zeal"! So they were stuck in their proud conceit of a righteousness of their own; their own performances as sufficient to make up a righteousness, eventually to appear before God. That's why Apostle Paul, formerly a Pharisee/Jew, declared that he does not have a "righteousness of his own" but a "righteousness of God".

So alot of religions have alot of things in common. May God be the judge of all the commotions that's going on outside and within His body, the church!

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