Monday, October 24, 2005


What in the world does, "KOINONIA", mean? It's a greek word for "fellowship", I mean an "intimate fellowship with God and His children".. We're all on a journey together. Similar to the time of the Old Testament, Israel stayed together on their journey in the wilderness. Not only were they the only ones in the fellowship, God was.

Fellowship encourages us to draw each other closer together and reach out to non-believers. We are to love because God loves us all! We have the healing power from God because of our love for each other. Many Christians and non-believers overlook the tremendous power displayed from those with strong love for others.

Yesterday, I had an opportunity to watch the Lord's children mingle after the services. We talked about how many of us misunderstand what "fellowship" means and what is God had designed for "fellowship" to be. Coming and going to church is not called fellowship. Talking about the world and its news with others is not fellowship. I could see the church have alot of work to do in relation to "koinonia". We need to have a "heart-to-heart" with our visitors. For those who know each other when they come together ought to begin to know another brother or sister they seldomly talk to. When that happens, koinonia is evident and GOD IS GLORIFIED! But when we clam ourselves up among people we feel comfortable with avoiding those we feeling uncomfortable with, "koinonia" diminishes. If we're saying we're not comfortable with other people but isolate ourselves from them, "koinonia" lost its meaning! That's why Paul urged Christians to "LIVE" in harmony with one another (not one or two but ALL!!). Do you know all about the person that sits on the opposite side of the worship room?

"Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited." Romans 12:16 (niv)

In our minds, we think fellowship is going to clubs, parties, church services, or other social functions. But that's not God's plan for fellowship. God's fellowship is on another plane. It's much deeper than we thought! It's a desire to have an intimate relationship with God and with people. It's a yearning to get to know that person in a deeper way. When we have that desire and yearning, the church will become extremely strong in love and fellowship!

We need to go deeper in our relationship with God and people, after we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and baptized for the forgiveness of our sins. We need to learn how to manage our spiritual journey, a wonderful journey and a rough journey, so we can enjoy full fellowship with God and other people. The Christian life is not a matter of perfection; it is a process leading to a deeper understanding of what God wants us to do with our lives. Then acting out our Christian life in the face of today's meaningless values. We're the salt and light of the world. We show Christ by doing the right thing God wants us to do: doing the right fellowship before the eyes of the world. By doing so, we can reach the ultimate, eternal Koinonia with God and the saints in heaven!!

In Christ Alone!

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