Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Narrow Way

I love this picture!!! Let's take a moment and read God's Word:

"Go in through the narrow gate.
The gate to destruction is wide,
and the road that leads there is easy to follow.
A lot of people go through that gate.
But the gate to life is very narrow.
The road that leads there is so hard to follow
that only a few people find it
." Matthew 7:13-14

Now.. Take a look at the picture above.. After reading the Scripture above, what do you see.


I'm going to throw something to you.. Here's a thought. Did you know that:

Early Christians were not actually called "CHRISTIANS", but "FOLLOWERS OF THE WAY?"

In other word, accepting Jesus is not a decision, but A JOURNEY.

Again... Look at the picture... What do you see?

We must rediscover our faith as a "way" of life, not simply a system of belief. It's hard to deny that many Christians have lost "the way" of faith in God, simply giving intellectual thoughts to a system of beliefs that they hope will give them to Heaven when they die.

The early Christians were called, "Followers of the Way." Could the same be said of us?

How are you "following" Him?


Fitness4God said...
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Fitness4God said...

Looks like an awesome runner's trail for me to run on!

Good post!

Mark Lowenstein said...

Hey bro!!!

PAH see you on my site! :) Yes!! Love a small windy path to exercise on!!! :) Amen!!!