Saturday, June 28, 2008

Standing Before Hell...

What would do, right at this moment, I mean, right now, if you were brought to a place called, "Hell".. No, no.. It's not some kind of a vacation resort where you'll be handed a tall glass of southern sweet tea with an umbrella and enjoying the scenery. Not that. It's a place where everlasting judgment has been handed down and where everlasting separation from God is realized.

Hell is a place reserved for sinners, unsaved! Hell is reserved for murderers, sexually immorals (homosexuals and adulterers), thieves, liars, drunkards, and the list goes on! If you want the specifics, get a Bible where God speaks to us through it and read 1 Corinthians 6:9-10.

Now.. Notice verse 11.. "And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God."

Let me give you a different scenario here. Notice Apostle Paul, writing to the church in Corinth, mentioned that "some of you were" which means that the washing, the sanctifying, the justification doesn't apply to "all" Christians. Was there any hint of "immorality" in the church? Heck, YES!! Now, read 1 Corinthians 5, the immoral brother in the church! What about chapter 3? Some of them are still worldly because of a hint of jealously and quarreling.

Now, instead of standing before Hell (at this point), you're standing before God and His throne. Would you be standing before Him, drunk? How about these other practices like adultery, falsehood, stealing, etc. I know some of you claim to be a Christian and still struggle in a puddle of these sins? I'm not suggesting a "sin-less life", though it would be nice. There will be days when you will stumble which is okay. But if you are not stumbling but actually wallowing in the mud of these sins while merely living for Christ, where would you be standing before if Judgment Day comes?

For Christians, faithful, true and still a sinner in need of Jesus Christ our Lord, the gates of Hell shall not overcome them! (Mt. 16:18) It will be too much for Satan and his armies. Why? Because Jesus was (still is) full of passion and energy as One man overcoming death, all alone! And that passion and energy motivates us to CHARGE against Hell. We have the power of the gospel. We are NOT ashamed! Let us be the church that transforms, reshapes our generation for Jesus Christ. The gates of hell cannot hold us back anymore! So charge!

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