Sunday, September 11, 2005

Fall Season/24

Fall season began yesterday with the girls first softball practice! Cool temps are in the air. Leaves are, once again, changing. Today is the official Kick-off of the Fall Season at Fairfax Church of Christ. We're gonna have a good year! The year actually starts today, not January 1st.

Today, I am preaching a three-part sermon called, "24 - A Day With God". I am encouraging the congregation and congregations throughout the world to keep God the Lord of your life 24 hours a day! Beginning in the morning, throughout the day and while you're sleeping. Pray that God will give you visions/dreams of what He would like for you to do for Him. Surely, God does go to His childrens' mind like Joseph (concerning Mary), Jacob (resting his head on a rock visioning the stairway to Heaven) and others.

In addition to this Fall season, we're hosting the 40 Days of Purpose campaign starting on October 9th through November 20th. Also, Jose Abenchuchan is coming to D.C., once again, for the 40 Days conference on November 11th through 13th. Zoe conference is on October 6th through 9th! And we're having another movie in the making will, Lord willing, will debut next summer.

I pray that each of you will begin your walk with God today with a renewed sense of direction, the God-way! Follow Him. Listen to Him. Love Him more. Read His Word. Share with others the gospel (good news). Pray, pray, pray! And God bless each of you!

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