Thursday, January 12, 2006

Made For Heaven!!

I love C.S. Lewis' writings, especially the "Screwtape Letters"!! He leads us further into the deep abyss of the Bible - supposedly where no man has ever gone before. ;)

"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."

- C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity


Anonymous said...

Hey Mark, when I was at your home for our small group gathering yesterday/last night, I spotted that book in your living room. :) It got my attention .. then I revisited this blog posting about C.S. Lewis, and now you piqued my curiousity even more. Care to elaborate and give an example/sample of his writing? Maybe we will be interested in reading it. Perhaps you could flesh up your "Mark's corner" in the website about the books you've read? :)


Anonymous said...


Pray to God and ask if he wants you to do it! I think it is a wonderful idea! Thank you, Monica!


Mark Lowenstein said...

Oh yeah! I have tons of quotes that I find extremely interesting. I just posted one about prayer and how Christians take the time in prayer (weakly)!! Glad the book provided the "sight-for-curious-eyes" in you. :)