Friday, November 04, 2005

What's "Your" Mission?

You're probably thinking that you're on a mission to get a PhD. degree or on a mission to work with the Peace Corp, or perhaps on a mission to trek on your bike around the world. I have news for you. That's "YOUR" mission! I think that's great that you have an ambition to pursue during part of your life. But we need to look in a completely different perspective. We're born on earth with a purpose. We cannot merely live and then die without meaning. If we do that, we will never be recognized for eternity!

Jesus came from the Heaven to earth with One Ultimate Goal: To save the world from sin! When He was 12 years old, his parents found him in a temple preaching the Word to a group of religious fanatics. They were in awe of the young mind and how He attains such infinite wisdom! But Jesus' mission wasn't over. He continued on through life with compassion, with simple messages and stories about God, life, death and eternity. 21 years later, He cried, "It is finished!" and died, crucified on the cross. The mission His Father gave Him was done!

In the same way that you gave me a mission in the world, I give them a mission in the world.” John 17:18 (Msg)

Remember, each and every person that believes in Him are co-heirs (partners) with God! So we have a great responsibility, a privilege to specifically share our life's mission. How did you come to know God? How did God, through the Word, change your life? How did you change from the worst to God's best?


It's a command, not a suggestion! In Matthew 28:18-20, He commanded us to go and, #1 MAKE DISCIPLES (bring those in the world to be followers of Christ), #2 BAPTIZE THEM (immerse them), #3 TEACH THEM (teach them the whole will of God, not some). He calls us not ONLY to come to Him but also to GO for Him. Really, the Matthew 28 passage indicates a REQUIREMENT. It is MANDATORY! Not an option. We really don't have an excuse that we're unable to do it. It is not merely a responsibility of a minister but every follower of Christ. The people in the world will know Jesus through Christians.


It is a sure honor to serve our Living God! We're actually "employees of God" and we're representing Him. God doesn't want us to think we're a "salesman for God" trying to sell His products in a heartless way in order to gain a "crown of life". It is a privilege, the most outstanding one!


Rick Warren quoted, "If your neighbor had cancer, or AIDS, and you knew the cure, it would be criminal to withhold that lifesaving information. Even worse would be to keep secret the way to forgiveness, purpose, peace, and eternal life. We have the greatest news in the world and sharing it is the greatest kindness you can show to anyone." I totally believe when we share the good news that we have the best remedy for our sins and the sins in the world through Christ, the church will become awesomely contagious.

I want to share with those who have been a Christian for a long time. I applaud those who continue to walk with Jesus and still keep God's mission a top priority in their lives by reaching out to those who need Jesus. But there's a problem. One problem is that a long-term Christian will forget how hopeless it felt to be without Christ. This is similar to those who were raised in a Christian family may have never experienced the devastation sin has on them. They know "of sin" and understand that sin separates them from God. Probably without remorse, they acknowledged it all and accept Christ. It is easy to be classified a Christian, on the outside, but God is more interested in the heart. Everybody needs Jesus (period)!


Whatever the impact you make on others in the world is far more important and more recognized than any job, achievement, or goal that you have accomplished on earth. The ultimate question is: WHAT'S YOUR MISSION? What have you done with the Matthew 28 command? Is it in the trash? Is it swept under the rug? Has it simply become a bookmark? Perhaps, you may just be aware of it but haven't put it into action?

Life is NOTHING unless I use it to work for our great Lord Jesus Christ which is the work of telling others the good news about Jesus! If your mission comes to a standstill because you're too busy, you're distracted, you're too critical about certain things in the Bible, you don't know how, you may be lazy then you've wasted the life God gave you on earth!

My suggestion is to just bring one person to Jesus a year and teach that particular person before moving on to the next. If 15 family members of Jesus bring in one, we may have added another 15 family members. Take only one at a time and watch God do the rest!

You weren't placed on earth to do nothing or to live for yourselves. God is inviting you again to participate in the greatest job in the Universe, " and save what is lost." So what's your mission?


Anonymous said...

Hi Mark,

You are right on the TARGET! That is what Rick Warren mentioned in his book, "The Purpose Driven Church". You got me thinking, too!

Thanks for the encouragement! Please keep telling us until we drag ourselves to DO IT!

God Bless,

Anonymous said...

Again, please pray for all of us!


Mark Lowenstein said...

Surely! Will pray for you! It's always a great privilege to serve God! There's no better job than this because this type of service leads us to live for eternity!

Pray that you will be more and more contagious as a Christian and a loving friend of Jesus Christ! Remember what He said, "You are my friends if you do what I command you." Awesome!!!