Friday, November 30, 2007

Discover Your Strengths

Now Discover Your Strengths: Marcus Buckingham

I like the last one on this list, "WOO!!" Not only I encourage others to tag along with me in the vision I have for the glory of God but I enjoy being around people who loves God and enjoys growing in Him! Check this out!

Achiever: An achiever always wants to accomplish something, even on your days off you make lists!
Activator: You want to know when things are getting started. You are
impatient for action.
Adaptability: You live in the moment. You just adapt to any situation.
Analytical: The phrase “prove it” is a great phrase for you. You love facts.
Arranger: You are a conductor. You like figuring out the very best ways to get things done.
Belief: You have a very strong core belief and those beliefs help to guide all of the decisions that make you who you are. Basically, you have a strong
sense of faith in a way of life, a vision for the future, etc.
Command: You like to be in charge. You feel no discomfort calling the shots for a group of people.
Communication: You like to explain things, to describe things, to host, to speak in public or maybe even to write.
Competition: You love to win. You love the challenge that comes when
performing against an opponent.
Connectiveness: You believe that things happen for a reason. You are sure of it. You believe deeply that we are all connected to a greater purpose.
Context: You tend to look back in life. The reason you do this is because you that is where the answers lie…back in the past. So you tend to help the
present by understanding the past.
Deliberative: You are a very careful person. You tend to be private and you know that the world tends to be an unpredictable place.
Developer: You see the potential in others. Sometimes that’s all you see in other people. You can very easily overlook a lot, which is a beautiful quality.
Discipline: Your world needs to be ordered, planned, and predictable. You love routines.
Empathy: You can sense the emotion of those around you. You can feel what they are feeling as though they are your own feelings.
Fairness: Balance is important to you. You like to treat every person the same.
Focus: A question that you regularly ask is, “Where am I headed. You want to know the goal.
Futuristic: The future fascinates you.
Harmony: You look for areas of agreement. In your view, there is little to be gained from conflict. You love harmony. You love when everyone is
getting along.
Ideation: You are fascinated by ideas. You just love ideas.
Inclusiveness: You are always stretching your relational circle wider. You want to include people and make them feel a part of the group.
Individualization: You are intrigued by the unique qualities of each person.
Input: You are inquisitive. You may like to collect things or information like words, facts, books, or quotes.
Intellection: You like to think. You love mental activity.
Learner: You are energized by the steady and deliberate journey from
ignorance to competence.
Maximizer: You are looking for excellence not average. You look to transform something that is already strong into something that is superb.
Positivity: You are generous with praise, quick to smile and always on the look out for the positive in the situation.
Relater: This describes your attitude toward relationships. You are drawn more to people you know and you tend to feel deep, close relationships. You have a really strong circle of friends.
Responsibility: You take psychological ownership for anything that you commit to; whether large or small you feel emotionally bound to complete it.
Restorative: You love to solve problems. You enjoy the challenge of analyzing the symptoms, identifying what’s wrong and finding the solution.
Self-assurance: You are confident about you. You know that you are able to take risks, able to meet new challenges, and able to stake new claims and,
most important, able to deliver.
Significance: You have a deep desire to be heard and recognized.
You want to stand out.
Strategic: A distinct way of thinking. You can see patterns in situations where
as others simply see complexity.
WOO (winning others over): You enjoy the challenge of meeting new people and getting them to like you. Strangers are rarely intimidated by you. In fact, they are often energized around you.

1 comment:

Deaf Band Of Brothers said...

WOO sounds like who-hoo thats me....