Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Baptized Miss America 2006!!

Jennifer Berry, who was baptized in October at the Skiatook, Okla., church, waves after being crowned Miss America 2006 at the 2006 Miss America pageant in Las Vegas on Jan. 21, 2006. Berry (below) with Debbie Kendall, the Skiatook deacon's wife who shared her faith with the pageant winner.


In the article wrote: "Back in October, Kendall, whose husband, David, is a deacon at the Skiatook church, said she shared with Berry how she had studied the Bible with a former Miss Oklahoma, Meighen Bradfield, resulting in Bradfield’s baptism.“I had talked to Jennifer a lot about spirituality and how important it was in my life, but I hadn’t gone into it deep the way we did today,” Kendall wrote in an e-mail to friends the day of Berry’s baptism.

Berry told Kendall that she had gone to church when she was younger and had participated in several Bible studies, including one in college.

“She had always wanted to be baptized but never knew how to go about it,” Kendall wrote. “We discussed Acts 2:38, why we believed you had to be immersed and I gave her several examples out of the Bible. We talked about how Phillip and the Eunuch were on the road together … and that was all it took.”


Did you see that? "..and that was all it took.." Awesome!! Her heart was wide open! She didn't care what the world will think of her being an immersed believer of Jesus Christ! She knew she had to die to herself and raise anew in Christ! How I wish we could see more of Berry's example in the world today: that the Scripture pierced her heart in a flash! People simply argue about the infallible Word of God, procrastinate because their family or spouse may not accept the conversion, that baptism is merely "works" or even simply say that they don't have the time or heart to commit their life to Jesus.

God bless Debbie Kendall!! She's a true servant of our Lord Jesus Christ by seeking women's hearts for Jesus! Lord, we need more examples of Debbie in the world today!

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