Monday, August 15, 2005

The Alpha and Omega!

Michelle and I just returned tonight after eating out at P.F. Chang (Chinese Bistro) then hurried from Fairfax to Sterling for the open-captioned movie, War Of The Worlds starring Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanning. Man! It was an awesome movie!!! You know I love the old Orsen Wells movie, "War Of The Worlds". I don't know how many times I have seen it but it seems like a gazillion times that I clearly remember each scenes. Watching the newer version of "Worlds" gave me a firm prediction what will happen next. It is closely similar to the older version of "Worlds"..

As the movie began, they were showing things that cannot be seen with a naked eye. You'll have to use a microscope to be able to detect things like "parasites, DNA's, molecules, and whatever those scientist call those micros!". At first, I thought we were in the wrong movie section. "War of the Worlds" are in section 19 and it is open captioned. The scene went from micro to macro and it was "a drop of water" on a leaf. Then the title came, "WAR OF THE WORLDS". I was like, "Ok..." Let the movie begin!

Again, an awesome movie. The special effects. The suspense. The graphics. The scenery. Everything in the movie was heart-pounding!!! Mankind on earth were immaculately powerless against the Martians! No weapon can destroy them. No missiles. Not even a laser. Blackhawks flew against it but couldn't prevail against it. Howitzers rolled with some of the most powerful ammo known to man couldn't conquer them. The army, navy, air force, marines were annihilated! The aliens continue to snatch people and destroyed them. Mankind were on the brink of total annihilation; in other words, mankind would be wiped out from the world! But the aliens were dying inside their protective shield. After taking in air, people (blood), and whatever is nature, the aliens were dying. They became powerless! People were wondering why and how the aliens died. It wasn't the weapons of the world! They were all, like me, very puzzled. Until the end, the narrator talked about something that blew me away!

The scene came in showing NY in ashes but on a tree, a green bud was budding. Life begins again. As the cam drew near the fresh green bud, the narrator explained that the aliens died because of what God had created. Nature destroyed them: air, blood, water. Whatever God had created destroyed whatever was evil! It only took whatever is micro to annihilate evil! In other words, the aliens were infected with the good God provided! Evil was wiped out!

This movie reminds me of our Lord Jesus! It only takes a pure blood to wipe away the evil in us. Sin, has or still is, alienated in our lives and we're without peace! But God sent Jesus into the world to condemn sin in us and to give us the peace we're looking for and have. He became sin for us so that we be made right with God:

"He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Corinthians 5:21 (nas)

I believe Orsen Wells created this movie out of his understanding of God's powerful potential! Only God possesses the weapon against evil (Ephesians 6:10-17).

Bow down before the One that is the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega!

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