
"Give yourselves to God... surrender your wholebeing to him to be used for righteous purposes." Rom. 6:13 (TEV)
We really don't have a choice, you know.. Let me explain.
The last thing you would want to do against your foes is Surrender. It does implies losing, and I wouldn't want to be classified as a "loser". It is often unpleasant. The word, surrender, gives a negative context..
We live in a competitive world today! It has been this way for thousands of years! Competing against one another for a person, position, and power! We simply do not want to give in, not even once! Even Christians rather talk about winning, succeeding, overcoming, conquering, yielding, obeying and surrendering. But surrendering to God is the heart of worship!
True worship gives God the pleasure! That happens when you bring God all of YOU! It's a complete sacrifice, a dead-to-self sacrifice, a yielding-to-God sacrifice. It's all about God, not you. It's all about Him, not us. It's all about God and His Son and the Holy Spirit.
The act of surrender is recognized in a couple of things (many can be noted):
- Consecration
- Making Jesus Lord.
- Burial of your old life in baptism
- Taking up your cross.
- Dying to self.
- Yielding to the Spirit
Now, God wants your life. All of it, really! 95% is not enough, not even 99.9.
No, no... I'm not saying we're to be "EXTREMELY PERFECT"! There's no way you will be. But that doesn't mean you're excuse from your lack of faith. Have you ever heard of "iron sharpens iron"? How about being "rooted in Him"? Or which soil are you in, "hard", "rocky", "weed infested" or "a good soil"? If you have surrendered your life in a hard soil, or rocky places or areas where they are likely to choke the Seed (Word of God) out of you, you'll likely gonna run into serious problems and apostate yourselves from the faith. You dropped the "white flag" and returned back to where you stood before (world).
Is it possible to lose your salvation? Let me ask you this question again, "IS IT POSSIBLE TO LOSE YOUR SALVATION?" Sure!! And, yes, I have heard people say that once they're sealed with a "deposit guaranteeing eternal life", then it's permanent! Hmm. So, it really doesn't matter what you do, even if you keep on sinning, you'll still have eternal life? Check this verse out:
"Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation - but it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it. For if you live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live, because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God." Romans 8:12-14 (niv)
See the "red part"?? "IF" you live according to the "sinful nature" means you stopped surrendering and you have left your walk with God, left the faith you had with Him, merged into a different path, not the pathway to Heaven. You have gone on the "WIDE HIGHWAY" while a faithful few continues on the "NARROW WAY" (Mt. 7:13-14)
What about the story Jesus told His Disciples about the "Vine and the Branches" in John 15? What happens if you have decided to stop "surrendering to Jesus"? "Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me." John 15:4 (niv) Let's continue on through several verses, "If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers: such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned." John 15:6 (niv)
See the "red part" again? "..thrown away and withers.."! Crystal clear, huh? It's the "very words of our Lord Jesus Christ." Never mind what others say.. They'll do just about anything to "water down the Scripture" into something that their "itching ears want to hear! (2 Tim. 4:3)"
If you have a "plan" in mind, it may not be the "plan God had already planned". Then where's the plan God planned? It's all in the Scriptures. Read closely to every Word He says and listen to Him. He's more interested in what goes on in the heart than what you do before us and God. As Joshua approached the biggest battle of his life, he encountered God, fell in worship before him, and surrendered his plans. That surrender led to a stunning victory at Jericho. Surrender doesn’t weaken you, it strengthens you.
Now, remember at the beginning of this blog, I said that we really don't have a choice. Why? Surrender is not the "best way to live" but it is the "ONLY WAY TO LIVE"! Be surrendered to God, you don’t have to fear or surrender to anything else.
"If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you." John 15:7 (niv)
Can anyone explain how we can surrender our lives to the Lord while addicted to so many things that, daily, brings pain and misery in our lives?
I apologize for being anonymous about this but anyone's feedback is appreciated.
mr. lowenstein, you say that a person can lose their salvation. well, if they sin it up, and prove that they're not of God, that proves that they really weren't His child in the first place. i have a friend who's like that. it pains me to know that she isn't saved, but i now know that i should've been witnessing to her all along. if you say that someone can "lose" their salvation if they sin a whole lot, then that's basically stating that one must be "good" to stay saved. if we are truly born again, and we surrender our lives to the Lord, He does a total turnaround and does NOT leave us to fend for ourselves. we can't be "good"; it is Christ within us. And He's not going to "unsave" us.
In response to the two above: the first one (anonymous), there's no easy answer from anyone except from God Himself. Sometimes, addiction is a prelude to becoming a Christian, meaning that when you're down to the lowest point of your life, you seek something higher. I don't know who you are and cannot answer in a specific way.
I remember long ago when Jesus encountered a rich young ruler. The rich man said, "What must I do to get eternal life?" Jesus simply told him that he is to follow the commandments. The ruler did follow all of them. Jesus knew his heart and said, "Give up everything you have and follow me." The young ruler knew he couldn't do that because his father worked hard to bring his son to the level they are at. He went away sad.
Jesus knew that the ruler had the eyes of his heart set on wealth. Jesus wanted him to let it go and follow him. It does take alot of faith and courage to let the addiction go. Again, it's not easy but anything is possible with God.
There are many reasons for keeping the eyes of the heart on whatever you're addicted to. To some, it's a fear of losing the power to do what you want to do. Instead of being addicted to the things in the world, be addicted to Jesus!
Now, to Emily, thanks for your comments! I agree with some of what you have said. Allow me to allow the Scripture to do the talking:
Read Luke 15:11-32 about the prodigal son. If you look at verse 24, "For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' So they began to celebrate." The son was with the father prior to his decision to depart from the family. After he left, to the family, he was "dead". But when he realized the grave mistake he had made, a foolish decision, he decided to return and became "alive again".
I don't think I would want to say about the "former Christian" was never saved in the first place. I have heard this so many times. It's almost like when you die a physical death, you were never born or you never lived in this world.
Secondly, another powerful verse in the Scripture is, 1 Corinthians 5 where it talked about a man with his brother's wife (IN THE CHURCH!)! Read verse 5, "..hand this man over to Satan, so that the sinful nature may be destroyed and his spirit saved on the day of the Lord."
Now, this is interesting here.. Yes. He was a saved soul, a Christian whom just happened to sin and awful sin by taking his brother's wife which is called "adultery". This is a serious sin! Paul urged the church to "disfellowship" him and hand him over to Satan in hope that he'll realize what he had done that he, with the Lord's help, will destroy the sin he created. It's our prayer that such "licencious sinner" (though we're all sinners but not licencious) be brought to repentance and mortify the flesh.
"Those who sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others may take warning.." 1 Timothy 5:20 (niv)
We're to get rid of the yeast (sin) that may infest the dough (church)!
Concerning, "good", Jesus said, "There's no one that's good, except My Father in Heaven." Amen to what you said, "..we can't be good; it is Christ within us." I love that line!!
Finally, you quoted at the end of your comment, "And He's not going to "unsave" us. That's correct. He has never lost his faithfulness with us, but we lost ours with Him.
"Here is a trustworthy saying: If we died with him, we will also live with him; if we endure, we will also reign with him. If we disown him, he will also disown us; if we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself." 2 Timothy 2:11-13 (niv)
Here, Paul wrote to a young preacher named, Timothy, telling him that if Christians disown him, God will disown them. If we're faithless, He will always be faithful.
In closing, the "He's not going to 'unsave' us, is not His doing. It's our doing to 'unsave' us. He will always be faithful to us, His love will always be available but that depends on our faithfulness. If we're faithless and disown Him, He has to disown us because He cannot tolerate with the sin we do. Romans 6:1-2, "What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?"
"But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin." 1 John 1:7 (niv)
If you stop walking in the light, stop being in fellowship with one another, there's no flow of Jesus' blood and purification of your constant sins. Because Christians may stop their walk with God, the flow of light and blood stops. Until you repent, it starts again!
Hiya Mark,
I like this article, but again this is probably the most "challenge" and "gut-grenching" effects for the wanna-be Christians who want to remain strong like Jesus Christ Our Dear Savior. It is very difficult HOW to know if where exact the status of "status quo" of being "officially saved" as into HIS Book of Life. There is NO way of where "could end up" in one month or other month as into bad or good as IF we, as each person, want to be sure "I AM SAVED" in mind every day etc. I ask you, Mark, if HOW I know if I "get off" from that all-important Book of Life -- without ever-knowingly if i actually did. But I guess if i do repent over/over/over every day as I could talk to God anywhere I am on Earth alive -- meaning I still be SAVED ?? Suppose -- one example -- one very bad night, within milli-second "blink of eye" as quick, I get angry at God -- and saying those awful "Satan words" -- will God disown me ?? You know every day, a person like all Christians can happen like that. Etc. Etc.
Another thing is Church system. Being saved as status quo into everyday thinking repentance all the times, a Church-Goer who go to Church everyday and want to participate many things and even go up higher/higher in Church Ladder, like becoming Deacons/Elders blah etc. Now, suppose (I ask ya) a very-faithful person who just happen to be Deacon -- because of what the Lord want him to be in that. So he go did well excellent service for the Dear Lord etc for a couple of years -- then sudden one big big bad night really hit him (like bang), like serious sin (adultery, bad crimes, bad tempetations etc). The people in Church have the right to "kick him out" out of Church etc -- i heard someone explain to me all about that. I really dont understand that -- because God really really love us all no matter what etc -- to be sure we will be with the Dear Lord as "iron" engraved into Book of Life. My opinion is that if THAT falling-out Deacon can step down and just become "regular" worshipper like most of us -- until he become strong again in few more years. Etc things like that. Mark, is that all the way of what "being saved" as THE status quo as the real Christian for our Dear Lord ?????
I think this article is really very Challenging and Rewarding Yes. But probably the most difficult for almost all of us to accomplish that level. Am I right??
A church is for hurt people who need to be taught how to renew their heart, their mind, and their soul with the help of Jesus. There ought to be a CLASS for those who have indigence and yearning for GOD in order to become addicted to HIM.
Romans 12:2 says "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of my mind." We are encouraged to be reminded by this verse and are required to train ourselves by mediating God's Word and saying it ALOUD. Not only that, we can find out what we need to learn by looking up a word in the concordance. For example, pain. WE can find as many as we can from it then study and memorize then speak OUT! Whenever, it comes back to us, we have verses to back us up. We ask GOD to help us go through it, too.
There are many Christian books that we can find to help us become OVERCOMERS. We are fortunate that God's APOSTLES/DISCIPLES listened to GOD and wrote down ALL of the messages in the BIBLE. I would not know what to do if they never listened to GOD. We are thankful that we have our PRECIOUS BOOK, BIBLE.
I am sure Mark might know some good books related to our needs. He usually tells us on his website.
We can look that up and find the books. Importantly, we PRAY and talk to GOD REGULARLY to help us become CONQUERORS!
Remember, a church is for the SINNERS, not PERFECT CHRISTIANS or PHARISEES. I do not want people to find out I am a Christian JUST because I go to church. I want them to see JESUS in us regardless of our struggles, our pains, and our problems OUTSIDE OF OUR CHURCH.
Unfortunately, there are many UNCOMFORTABLE TOPICS that are NOT being ISSUED at church. BECAUSE of this, we do not feel comfortable talking about them or are afraid being judged or afraid to ask for HELP. JESUS came to the earth to save US so he did not come because we were PERFECT. JESUS knows all of us have problems included ministers, decaons, elders, and whoever. ALL OF US!
I want to make clear that it is EMPHATIC to keep GOD in our lives and REPENT or CONFESS our sins regularly otherwise the hindances of our prayers might be present.
I would appreciate if you have any feedback or comments. Be sure to express your FEELINGS/KNOWELEDGE that are being lined up with God's WORD (not just verses). For example, Mark is one of the WONDERFUL EXAMPLES who EXPRESSES VERY WELL ON MANY TOPICS ALONG WITH THE VERSES.
God-loving Warrior
:) Thanks for your comments. I could write a book about this! :)
You're right that it's one of the most difficult topic. How does one know a person is "saved"? A couple of things:
1. WORSHIP: It all depends on your heart and who you worship. Jesus replied to the multitudes in Mt. 7:6-8: "Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites: as it is written: 'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men.' You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men."
2. FAITH: Faith comes from hearing the message and the message is heard through the Word of God (Ro. 10:17). So what is your "faith"?
3. Obedience: especially the greatest commandment which is to love the Lord your God (heart, soul and strength) and love your neighbors; obedience is better than sacrifice (1 Sam. 15:22); if you love Jesus, you will obey what He commanded (John 14:15) and endless more..
4. Serving God (or NOT): Matthew 25:31-46 poses a clear picture of what it will be like when we stand before the Lord after Jesus' coming.
5. Fruitfulness: Galatians 5:22-23 is a great verse for each and every Christian to possess in their hearts (9 fruits of the Spirit); but there will be bad fruits in the world according to Matthew 7:15-20, especially in verse 21, "Not everyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord." will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven."
6. Readiness: in the Parable of the Ten Virgins, Jesus gave a clear picture of what it will be at the END. There will be five wise and five foolish. The foolish are the ones unprepared because the bridegroom (a picture of Christ) was a long time coming. At the midnight's cry, they stumbled and panicked. Read the rest of the story and Jesus said at the end, "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour." (13)
Again, if I continue on in this, it's like writing a book. But we have one which is the Bible. The answer is clearly there!
If you feel you're worshipping God from where you are, serving Him, ready for His coming, fruitful and faithful, that's good. I am not going to argue with you. If you feel you're rooted in Him, excellent. I really hope you're really rooted in Him.
We don't have rules in the church (Fairfax). There's no creeds either. Not everyone gets to be an Elder or Deacon. Once we're saved, the goal is to glorify God in everything we do, not take office (eldership, deacon) & please Him the best we can.
If we have sinned, 1 John 1:7 tells us that, as long as we're walking in the light and that we have imperfections and stumble in many ways, we have a FORGIVER to forgive us of our sins! Read the rest of 1 John 1 where it talks about confessing our sins!
Therefore, you might as well read the whole Bible and let Him speak to you and give you the answers! :)
God-loving Warrior,
Thanks! <>< As I just posted my answer, your post appeared! It's almost as if you and I were saying the same thing! Amazing! How powerful the Holy Spirit's work this is!
And it's good to see others learning about God. Let's be the Bible people read! :)
Great blog/posts, everyone. So much to learn! Thanks for sharing your inputs.
Surrender and live in Him!
I myself no longer live, but Christ lives in me. So I live my life in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Galations 2:20
Howdy y'all,
Thanks for all the feedbacks and sharings, regardless because of me, or you, or anyone. The feedbacks are precisely for the general public in everyone's need to look through and learn (agree or not agree -- no matter what) as we all God's people go along -- time always are be given to us as all the chances God has given to us what the main reason why AT THE FIRST PLACE we as human beings come onto the Earth -- of course its very obvious God wants us what to do etc ... Thanks all.
As for the church -- I mention one thing ... anonymous said "the church is for the weak" (i didnt mean to pinpoint him/her -- for general). The church is for EVERYONE ... regardless if the perfection of a person would be 20, 40, 80, 95, 99.99 percent ability to do himself/herself. Yes i agree about the "weak" in a way, but never never supersede or ever go above the cloud for their "greater needs" than the common ground. Thanks, Mark -- being "imperfection" lead us all people into Diversify all "tougues" -- that's wonderful plan from the Dear Lord !!!! Because suppose -- if we are PERFECT, in common sense, there would be no Earth at all at the first place -- because simply God KNEW at the first place BEFORE Adam/Eve make the World's First Mistake. So God create VERY "IMPOSSIBLE" INTO "POSSIBLE" scenerios as His Plan for us into Forever IF we follow the Lord's Blueprint.
Enjoy this BLOG and God's Blessings to Y'ALL.
I always enjoy reading all of your comments! How joyous it is to know that you have some feedback for me!
Honeslty, I did not use the term, weak, but if you feel that it sounded like I used it. Actually, I really never thought like that!
Anyway, all of us want to improve in the areas where we fall short, but nothing we do will ever cause God to love us less or more. His constant love for us is still there! I am sure you are familiar with this, but we are nothing without God! It says in the BIBLE that "My grace is sufficent for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. Therefore I will boast all of my weaknesses, so that God's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, i delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Cornithians 12:9-10.
I believe we are more courageous to depend on God instead of being self-centered! Honestly, I know all of us have many things that bring hurts and pains in our lives!
God is our STRENGTH, our DELIEVER, and FORTRESS (PSALM 18:2).
One of the books that I regularly read. Here it is "Brokeness is Good" David said, "Lord, I am like a broken vessel" (Psalm 31:12). "Brokeness seems bad, but through brokeness we rid ourselves of the outer shell, the fleshy parts of us, that need to be thrown off in order to bring forth the good things that are in us."
That is why we need to be broken like David was so we can fully depend on God to deliver us from evil.
Charles, I agree with you that church has many different people with diffferent situations! ALL of us still need God everyday; it does not make any difference whether it is small or big.
Thank you again for your feedback! Looking forward to more of your good blogs, too!
Please feel free to make any comments! Thanks so much for letting me know your point of view!
We need to get rid of measure mentality because there is not such a thing in God's world!
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